'Don't come here with that white tendency!' blustered and barked Jules Malema at a rather bemused BBC journalist recently, sending out yet another wave of shock and disbelief through a fragile, confused country. White tendency? As opposed to a black, pink, blue, slightly maroon, eggshell white, burgundy or azure tendency? Does he mean a tendency painted pale white so it will stick out amid his grungy, murky green tendency? Green because Jules' tendencies are, as his Daddies and Mommies in the ANC have pathetically tried to justify in the past, are still growing in that perturbing, puzzling garden patch of stupidity in Luthuli House, which is so openly and enthusiastically nurtured by equally-stupefying morons.
So, here's how I interpret Jules' colour scheme of tendencies. When he gave us people of European, colonial, capitalist descent a fresh coat of paint, he was trying to make us understand our actions and tendencies need some serious sun tanning because we don't seem to get out often enough to understand how his black tendencies(which were probably charred by his hellish racist fury. Careful Jules, you may develop cancereous growths on your tendencies). I'm very apprehensive about tanning my lilly white tendencies for fear of trunign them into leather and getting cancer.
As far as I have been able to ascertain his views are really not shared by as many real people as he thinks. His tendencies are ones which ignore his superiors, who are only now trying to rein him. His tendency to insult, offend and disgust a growing number of lucid-minded South Africans. His inclination to lurch from one incomprehensible crusade to the next. His ability to fumble through mindless issues and needlessly undo the good work which we as citizens have achieved over the past 16-years in trying to buy into true transformation, which exists outside of Malema's backward-thinking brain.
Does he deprive our Caucasian tendencies of primary colours (at the very least) because he's so idiotic he can't seem to think beyond his limited colour scheme as he's utterly obsessed with race? Does he maybe resent us Whiteys so much that he labours and harbours on this issue of race to such an extent that he is portraying himself as a the real racist devil in the details in the same ironic mold as Eugene Terre'blanche? I'm inclined to agree with this latter hypothesis.
Perhaps subconsciously he's taking out deep-seated anger on those who don't speak Pedi because he's pissed off that he didn't play a real part in the liberation struggle and so doesn't have genuine credentials which can be taken seriously. I believe he's jealous of the likes of Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu (who were able to set aside their anger in the interests of a bigger more important agenda - nation building). And so Malema rants, blusters and belches out insults, giving a voice to his own, personal issues (paging Dr. Freud, we reaaalllyyy need your help!), which if looked at closely are so clouded in hatred towards, not just White people, but anyone who isn't black, that he's crafting a new racial schism in this country. It reminds me of a certain person who had a bone to pick with a certain section section of humanity who he wasn't so fond of because they weren't like him. A man called Adolf Hitler didn't like anyone apart from blue-eyed, blonde-haired German-speaking people (even though his hair follicles were visibly brown in colour). It may be an extreme conflation, but in essence the two are alike in the sense they share a narrow-minded outlook on life, like Hitler, Jules is not very intelligent. They both share charisma and oratory skills that can whip up a frenzy in no time. And just like Hitler was. Malema seems completely preoccupied with race, so much so it's disturbing and destructive.
Sieg heil Julius Malema!
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