Let's spare a sad thought for South Africa's dying sanity. A two minute silence may suffice. I propose a week long mourning for our national hope and collective intelligence which has taken a dive to the depths of something not so lekker of late.
So I pour another drink and seek the solace of my crammed balcony to again ponder where we are as a nation, supposedly on the brink of calamity. Well, in short it's not looking look. That much is true. But look on the waning bright side of it all - Mugabe's long-lost homie, Jules Mal-ema (for those non-Afrikaans-speaking comrades 'Mal' is Boeretaal for mad) has finally been spanked (YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!). The Dad of the country, Zuma, has tried again to rope some rationality back into the picture. Umm, what else have we still got going for us? Oh, yes, The Bulls are back at the top of the log. We had a windless weekend here in the Zille-stan of Cape Town (always a good thing!!!). It's the small things, people, we have to look to for comfort when the four horseman oour ever-impending apocalypse are cantering along the horizon.
But all isn't as it should be, that remains a hard truth in this day and age. Should we be alarmed? The simple, short answer is - no. In the words of your average dreadlocked, shoe-hating Capetonian, 'Look bru, just chill'. Sage words from the mooouuutain's most cherished fan club. While I'd usually stomp on such a hippie's head with reckless glee and abandon, I'm inclined to take a step back from my natural acts of violence to consider this airy-fairy assurance and logic. I'm sick and tired of all the gloom. Our own homegrown Hitler (R.I.P. ET) is dead. He's gone, but his gang of 16 followers will still grumble into their Klipdrifts and plot half-arsed coups. So what?!!!! Let them.
Jules has been scolded (although I doubt he'll stay quiet for too long). While he hasn't been literally muzzled, at least there's been a relatively unambigous reponse to his bililious stupidity The World Cup is still coming, regardless of what the rest of the globe is saying. We still have to fight off criminals from our gates. The poor still clamour to our windows at red traffic lights. Eskom is still in the poo. The devil wind of the Cape will continue to ravage us. Petrol is still way to expensive and my grandmother still can't operate her cellphone. Biltong is still readily available. There's a mix of bad and good, which us South Africans should've become inured to over the many years of uncertainty (which we still pervade and will do so for centuries to come).
We have to open up our windows (unless being choked by the bullshit is your kind of thing) or else we will lose sight of the rest of the world. yes, it does exist! We have a part in this globe, which exists independently of Malema, Terre'blanche, the ANC and the World Cup.
However, let's not dig holes for heads. Let's not uses lame excuses and petty justifications. Let's do our best to guard against the temptations of pouring stiff drinks or rolling fatter joints to cope with our national headaches.Let's try to refrain from racing to the nearest Australian embassy with passports and briefcases stuffed with cash in hand. And for God's sakes let's stop giving Malema and the AWB the time of day.
Move on people, there's nothing more to see here at this aging, bloodstained, car wreck which has become the last few days of our history.
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